Saturday 17 June 2017

Jellyfish Lake

Lake Medusa is small: its size is only 160 by 460 meters, and the depth is less than 50 meters, but this did not prevent him in 1995 from obtaining the status of an underwater miracle of the world. The lake is separated from the ocean by a small strip of land, which on the one hand causes a small amount of salt in its waters, and on the other, a complete absence of predators (while in coastal waters there are fifteen hundred species of fish, one hundred and thirty kinds of sharks and rare mammals).

It's hard to believe, but in the Jellyfish Lake, several million jellyfish swim at the same time. More such in the world is nowhere to be found. The golden jellyfish that have lived in this lake for a thousand years have never met predators, and this led to an unprecedented evolution of them, as a result of which they became absolutely harmless. Plunging under the water, you seem to be in another world - fantastic and mysterious.


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