Thursday 9 March 2017


Among the most beautiful and amazing places on earth, we can not fail to mention the Turkish Pamukkale. Snow-white stone terraces, along which water flows, from a distance resemble icebergs or huge flakes of cotton wool.

Many buy air tickets to Turkey specifically to see this magnificence. However, in addition to external attractiveness, this area is known for the fact that the mineral waters of Pamukkale have medicinal properties. Even in the era of ancient Rome there was a thermal resort. But many are interested in how these snow-white terraces were formed. The fact is that hot springs, rising from the depths of the earth, dissolve all kinds of mineral salts that are contained in the soil. When water penetrates to the surface, it spreads over the terrace, evaporating, and leaves on the surface white crystals of mineral salts. This process has been going on for centuries, that's how unique "baths" were formed on the slopes of the mountain.

Approaching Pamukkale, you will be amazed at the picture that has opened. The first impression is that you have a fantastic castle. Come closer - no, it's on the mountain someone set porcelain bowls, filling them with pure water. Even closer - it's a snow-capped hill, over which melt water flows.

One of the local legends says that Cleopatra came to bathe in mineral springs. You can even show the pool of the Egyptian queen, the water temperature in it is +35 C. And it's up to you to believe the local residents or not.

Do not miss the opportunity to see a place that is often called the eighth wonder of the world. The feeling is really amazing. But do not forget the sunglasses, because the slopes of the hills, reflecting the sunlight, shine so that it hurts your eyes. For tourists here are arranged special trails. To hundreds of people coming here, could immerse themselves in healing mineral waters, several pools were built right at the foot of the hills.


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