Tuesday 6 June 2017

Caddo Lake

Caddo Lake - a unique pond of more than 10 hectares, which is located between the states of Louisiana and Texas. The status of the protected territory of the lake was due to the cypress forests growing here, which are unrivaled on the planet by their area.

The history of creating a reservoir is interesting. Running through the territory of the present lake, the Red River River brought a lot of river debris, which accumulated a large congestion. Living on the banks of the river in a large number of beavers took advantage of this situation and built from debris and logs of the dam. Over time, the beaver dams completely blocked the current of the river. A lake with a unique fauna was formed.

The pond has a shallow depth, which in rare places is more than one meter. The whole area of the closed reservoir is covered with duckweed, water lilies and thickets of Indian lotuses. An inexperienced traveler will seem like a swamp. But he will be surprised by the purity and transparency of the water, which smells only of grass.

Fields of lake vegetation with the onset of cold weather go under the water. And the winter is reflected in the surface of the lake, as in a mirror :)

Each cypress grows with spanish moss, which resembles long strands of hair. The color of mosses varies with the season: gray in summer and green in winter. Spanish moss does not suck the juice of the host plant. It extracts food from water and air. Green color is acquired to them due to heavy rains in winter.

The origin of spanish moss is beautifully spoken of in Indian legends. The girl and the young warrior fell in love with each other. Happily they lived on the shores of the lake. But the girl fell ill and soon died. An inconsolable young man buried his beloved. But I cut off the strands of hair that decorated the trees. Years passed. The braids have turned gray, but they continue to remind us of the undying love of young people.


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