Tuesday 7 November 2017

Niagara Falls, Canada, USA

Niagara Falls on the border of the USA and Canada is the largest waterfall in North America: the Niagara River separates the state of New York from the province of Ontario, dividing the two countries. On both banks, small towns with the same names were formed - Niagara Falls.

Local residents recall the Indians who once lived in these territories, they gave the name to the waterfall, which in their language meant "thundering water". Niagara Falls is actually a whole water complex. It includes 3 waterfalls: the American Falls, Fata and Horseshoe, known just like the Canadian Waterfall. Niagara Falls is by no means the highest waterfall in the world, however, it boasts not only an unusual geographical location. Every year millions of tourists come here not only from Canada and the USA, but also from all over the world to look at these huge water masses falling down. Being quite mediocre in terms of height or width, this waterfall occupies an honorable place by the volume of water passing through it - about 5800 m3 / s. This is the most powerful waterfall in North America.

The height of the Niagara Falls is 50 meters from the American side and 49 meters from the Canadian side, but due to the large number of rocks and rocks, the height of the free fall is only 21 meters. The width of Niagara Falls is 332 meters, but the width of the Horseshoe falls due to the unusual curve of the river reaches 791 meters! Between the American waterfall and the Podkova is a small island called Goht, equipped with observation platforms for tourists, pretty avenues, cafeterias and souvenir shops. Here you can see a monument to the great American inventor, physicist and engineer - Nicola Tesla. The place to install the monument was not chosen by chance. After Niagara Falls first described Louis Ennepin in his studies, after a few hundred years it became a popular tourist destination. It was thanks to Nicholas Tesla in the late XVIII - early XIX century, there was built a power plant.

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