Sunday 2 April 2017

Beachy Head

Virtually in any English store or souvenir shop you can find all kinds of magnets, pictures and photos of Cape Bichy Head, on which this legendary, beautiful and, at the same time, gloomy landmark of Great Britain is depicted.

If you try to characterize Bichy Head with the dry language of geographers, then its description will sound like this: "Cape Bichy Head is a chalky sheer cliffs located in East Sussex, near the city of Eastbourne." The highest point of the cliff, from which you can clearly see the English Channel on a clear day, is 163.4 meters above sea level. That's all! All that the geographer can say about Cape Beachy Head, Cape, which is one of the main attractions of Great Britain, and which many highly impressionable people and "ready" associates with death.

When at lectures in English universities it comes to Cape Beechi Head, teachers try to summarize the information, and if they try to describe a chalky rock, then only in colorful tones. It is no secret to anyone that the modern youth is very close to the heart of accepting all gloomy, and sometimes terrible stories. Alas, for some young men and girls "Gothic" in the 21st century has become a style of life.

It is worth a little distraction from Cape Beachy Head, to try to explain that Gothic and death - the concepts are completely incompatible and different. Especially the "Gothic", which is associated with gloomy tones, black clothes, tears, constant depression and thoughts of the proximity of death. Gothic is an architectural style that was fashionable in the Middle Ages and in which a huge number of temples, palaces and castles were built. Most of them cause delight from their "lightness", "airiness". It is worth repeating, nothing with gloomy cellars and, even more so with death, gothic does not. Such a small digression from the description of Cape Beachy Head was made specially, because it is this magnificent and beautiful place, like a magnet that attracts modern "ready", just dreaming of death and everything connected with it. Naturally, Cape Beachy Head, in addition to its stunning, one might even say, introducing in a silent beauty shock, is notorious. Why all the new and new gloomy stories appear with regularity and why they are so closely connected with the dazzling white sheer cliffs, the plateau of which is covered with bright green grass, will remain a mystery.

If the tourist decided to board a yacht and take a boat trip along the Channel, he may be lucky to see from the side of the whitest chalky steep cliffs of Cape Bichy Head. If you try to describe the words with this color, then, most likely, nothing will turn out. After all, he who saw from the sea chalk cliffs, will argue that they are whiter than white. "In our world, nowhere else can you find such a bright, saturated, you can say, deep and infinite white color. When you swim near the rocks, it seems that they have an unearthly origin, "says one of the enthusiastic guests of Great Britain after a sea walk. By the way, in these high-sounding words there is no share of exaggeration, because it is thanks to these rocks that the ancient Celts called the country where they lived and performed magical rites - "Albion"! Many tourists, sailing through the legendary Channel, will be able to understand the Celts. Many, but not all .... The thing is that Albion is also often Foggy. So, in this material on the Cape Beechi Head, the answer to the question: "Why is England called Foggy Albion?"

The beauty of Cape Bichy Head, photo of which can be found in any tourist prospectus on the Foggy Albion, as mentioned above, is quite difficult to describe. Not without reason this cape, near which there were two bloody sea battles, is positioned in many tourist agencies, as one of the most interesting sights of Great Britain. For this reason, on the cliffs you can always meet large groups of travelers and even locals who stroll through one of the most picturesque places in the whole of the United Kingdom.


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