Saturday 25 March 2017

Cueva de Los Cristales, Mexico

Similar to the labyrinth, the underground cavity was filled with water for several hundred thousand years.

The cave with crystals, similar to rays, was discovered in 2000 by Sanchez brothers miners, who laid a new tunnel for the mine complex. From the cavity located at a depth of 300 meters, water was gradually pumped out, and in 2006 a project was launched, the purpose of which was to protect this unique natural object from the harmful effects of the environment.

The entrance to the cave for tourists due to the high temperature, humidity and hydrogen sulphide content, and also due to the fragility of the crystals is closed. These factors make it unfit for tourism. The air temperature inside the cave reaches + 50 ° C, and the humidity is over 90%. It is possible to stay in such conditions for more than ten minutes only in special suits, which cool the body and inhaled air.


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