Sunday 29 January 2017

Li River, Guilin

Li River is one of the most beautiful bodies of water on the planet. It starts in the mountains and flows Maoer in Guangxi Zhuang District in China. Then, the channel takes a course to the south, along the rushing settlements Guilin, Yangshuo and Pingle. Next to the river flow and other flow it continues, changing its name to Gui. The length of the two streams is 437 kilometers.

Looking at the fantastic industrial growth in China in recent years, many travelers believe that a tourist in China has nothing to do - it's dirty and there is nothing to breathe because of the smog, it's hot and there's natural wonders. Oh, how wrong they were! In China, the mass of natural reserves and places of pilgrimage for eco-tourists from around the world. One of such places - Li River and its surroundings.

Rafting on the River Lee - a truly memorable journey, the impressions of which will impress the harshest tourist. Stunning photos of natural beauty of the River Lee and its environs have long been popular for at least "zavlekalochka" managers of travel agencies, than images of paradise islands in the Caribbean. China's growing popularity with tourists, everyone can become a part of the ancient culture of the Orient.

Cruise itinerary on the Li River is covered with many legends, every mountain has a unique name, a grotto kept secret in its bosom. "Gorge buffalo" surprises its karst mountains sprouting straight out of the water, mountain-woman doomed forever yearn for her husband, touching the "Stone of immortality" at the top, according to local legend, it bestows longevity. "The Raven cave" is unique in itself - in her own flowing river length of more than 12 km.

The most favorite tourist aqueous tour site is located between the villages of Yandi and Xingping. There secular thickets of bamboo hanging over the water, wild duck and buffalo freely swim off the coast, local fishermen practice fishing with hand-trained cormorants, and peace and quiet of this area is very different from the rough and noisy rhythm of Shanghai or Hong Kong.


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