Thursday 19 January 2017

Haiku Stairs

Haiku Stairs or stairway to heaven - a picturesque walking trail on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, along the winding mountain terrain to a height of 850 meters. His second name she received no coincidence - steps lie at a very steep climb, literally disappearing into the arms of clouds and disappearing from sight. The route begins at the south side of the Haiku Valley and Hawaiian go up the slopes to the summit of Mount Pu'ukeahiakaho.

The original purpose of the construction of today's popular attractions - cabling through the mountains to the needs of US naval forces. In 1942, when the Americans were preparing for an attack by the Japanese, they needed a means to ensure reliable and continuous communication on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. low frequency marine radio station that transmitted signals to submarines the US Navy has been erected on one of the mountain peaks. Antennas broadcast low frequencies over very long distances, up to the coast of Tokyo. The low-frequency signal even reached submarines deep in the water, and a record number of reception distance reached India and was 10,600 km. Padded through the mountains and cable radio post had to serve, so instead of military trail path equipped with wooden stairs.

When the naval station was decommissioned in 1950, the US Coast Guard began to use communication as a transmitter station Omega navigation system, designed for aircraft. In the middle of that year, replaced a wooden ladder metal consisting of 3922 steps. In 1987, the route and station were closed to the public, but many tourists ignore prohibiting signs for opening from the top of the incredible views of the island of Oahu.

In 2003, the Haiku Stairs was reconstructed, its recovery has been spent around 870 thousand. Dollars. Today, the local authorities think about in order to make the path of the famous tourist attraction, but some of the difficulties related to land use and risk of the route lies in the mountains, do not allow to realize that vision. Despite this, every day up the slopes of a few dozen people rises. Most of them are sent back before the guards arrive at the place of work at six in the morning. If extreme rest lovers will be caught for unauthorized climbing with them can impose a penalty, but it is unlikely to stop the true connoisseurs of the beautiful species.

Stairway to Heaven can be safely added to the list themselves beautiful and spectacular routes in the world. Her stage rise up, at the very peak of the mountain, where there are a characteristic phenomenon of the area - a dense fog. Haze envelops the top creates the impression of entering into the cloud, which in tandem with the stunning scenery gives a lot of great pleasure to all brave, conquering huge number of stages and reached its goal.


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