Tuesday 31 May 2016

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls are not very high, wide or large, but are considered to be the most beautiful and majestic on the planet. Located on the river of the same name, they serve as the border between the two largest South American countries: Argentina and Brazil. Every year a huge number of tourists visited waterfalls are one of the most popular tourist destinations on the continent. Amid 275 Iguazu Falls, surrounded by beautiful tropical nature, any memories of the famous Niagara Falls look bleak shadow. The concept of relative beauty, but many believe the most spectacular Iguazu waterfalls in the world.

Iguazu River originates in the mountains of Serra do Mar Brazilian state of Paraná, and over 1,200 km flows through the territory of Brazil. The river is constantly increasing in size due to the small tributaries, and in the course of its movement constitutes a few dozen waterfalls, one of which, Nakunday Falls has a height of 40 meters, almost like Niagara Falls (53 m). But the biggest height difference is a short distance from the confluence with the river Paraná. Clippings from the edge of the plateau, the river with the noise and clatter going downhill, forming waterfalls, the river separating the upper and lower Iguazu.

200,000 years ago, natural disasters are extremely powerful forces to form one of the most beautiful natural wonders of South America - Iguassu Falls. Local Indian tribes have their version in this regard. According to legend, one day God wished to marry a beautiful girl named Knipe, but she fled with her lover Taroba down the river by canoe. In a fit of rage, the god sliced the river in front of the fugitives into two parts, creating the famous Iguazu Falls, doomed, thus, the lovers to an eternal fall. Iguazu - translated from the language of an Indian tribe Guarani means "big water".
Although the opening Iguazu happened back in 1541, its existence was quickly forgotten, and only in the 19th century waterfalls again discovered researcher Boselli. Until 1864 they belonged to Paraguay, but on this territory also claimed by Argentina and Brazil. The conflict was not long in coming. As a result, the bloodiest in the history of America's War of the Triple Alliance (1864-1870), Paraguay suffered a crushing defeat. If the pre-war population was about 525 000, a year after the end of the country's population of approximately 221,000 people. That is, in the course of the war casualties exceeded half the population, and if we take the data on the male population, the losses were simply disastrous. Because of the war, Paraguay became one of the poorest countries in Latin America, and that of the country continues to be to this day. Paraguay was forced to go to great territorial concessions, as a result of which the northern shore of the Iguazu River departed Brazil and South - Argentina.

In 1934, a presidential decree in Argentina Iguazu National Park area of 55 000 hectares has been created. On the other bank of the river in the Brazilian park with the same name, the total area of 180 000 hectares was established, making it the largest fleet of the country and one of the largest in the world. Thanks to the rich biodiversity and exceptional natural beauty, both parks were declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1984 and 1986 respectively.

Iguazu consists of a total of 275 stages - the greatest number of large waterfalls on the planet, located in the same place! The total length is 2.7 km, average height - 70 m About half of the river stream flows into the "Devil's Throat" (Garganta del Diablo) -... U-shaped valley height of 82 meters, a width of 150 m and 700 m long in most films, paintings, stamps typically depict the most beautiful part of the Iguaçu falls. After the fall, the river flows into the canyon and flows into the River Parana.

A special attraction of the waterfall gives a very beautiful surrounding nature, a dense forest of bamboo, palms and ferns, exotic flowers of wild orchids, begonias.

Along the perimeter of the waterfalls is an extensive network of paths and catwalks that allow a short distance to enjoy the beauty of falling water. The most beautiful sight from the platform, which offers a panorama of the horseshoe "Devil's Throat". Those wishing to offer tours on inflatable rubber boats to the foot of the waterfalls, rafting, climbing, descending on the ropes, and even a tour by helicopter. Tours by helicopter over the falls are only available on the Brazilian side; Argentina banned such tours.

Waterfalls have a different person in different seasons. The greatest impression they produce during the rainy season between December and February, when the Iguazu appears in all its beauty and power. The flow of water slows down during the rest of the year, sometimes very sharply. From March to August, to be clear, allowing easy to observe and photograph, but the impressions of the waterfalls is not so bright.

On the Brazilian side is the city of Foz do Iguaçu (population 309 000, the distance to the waterfalls 20 km), with the Argentine side of Puerto Iguazu (population 32,000, 18 km away). With both cities one can easily get to the Iguazu waterfalls. The advantage of the Argentine side is that there is the opportunity to watch the waterfalls at close range, but in Brazil can be seen a beautiful panoramic picture. In addition to visiting the waterfalls, even some special attractions in the area do not.

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