Tuesday 19 April 2016

Grand Canyon

The most famous attraction of Arizona and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the United States - in the north of the State of the Grand Canyon.
Grand Canyon formed by the Colorado River, for millions of years, gradually eroded the Colorado Plateau. Water cut his way in a relatively soft rocks (limestones, sandstones and shales), reaching the solid granite.

The length of the Grand Canyon - 446 km, the width at the level of the plateau - up to 29 km, at the bottom of the canyon - up to a kilometer. The depth of the Grand Canyon reaches 1800 meters. The area of the National Park, which is located on the territory of the Grand Canyon, almost 5000 km2.
Streams of water on the bottom of the Grand Canyon, carrying sand and stones, and today continue to deepen the most famous canyon in the world, creating an amazing stone structures.

Grand Canyon is so huge that even the weather, flora and fauna in it depend on the depth. At the bottom of the canyon is hot, there are growing cacti and other desert vegetation. As you can see the rise of deciduous trees, even higher - conifers. The Grand Canyon live dozens of species of birds and animals.

The Grand Canyon in Colorado River flow into multiple streams, forming numerous rapids and waterfalls. The most well known and popular among tourists waterfalls Havasu Falls Mooney Falls and Beaver Falls.

For centuries in the area of the Grand Canyon was inhabited by the ancient Pueblo Indians peoples (Anasazi). By the time the Europeans in Arizona ualapay tribes lived here, Havasupai, Paiute and others. Within the walls of the Grand Canyon carved by Indians preserved pueblo-granaries of the cave.

Today, much of the land in the canyon area owned by Indian tribes, there are several reservations.

The first Europeans who saw in 1540. Grand Canyon, were members of the expedition of Spanish conquistador Francisco de Coronado. The Americans came to the area of ​​the Grand Canyon back in the twenties of the XIX century, but the canyon was investigated by the American expedition only in the fifties and sixties of the XIX century.

Even in 1882 the next twenty-three US President Benjamin Harrison, who was then the deputy of the Senate of the State of Indiana, has put forward a bill to grant the Grand Canyon National Park status. Already being the President of the United States, Benjamin Harrison in 1893 created a reserve of the Grand Canyon.

He was delighted with the Grand Canyon twenty-sixth US President Theodore Roosevelt, who visited him in 1903. At the initiative of Theodore Roosevelt in 1908, Grand Canyon National United States received the status of the monument.

Finally in 1919, the twenty-eighth United States President Woodrow Wilson signed the law, which the Grand Canyon National Park was established.

One of the most famous tourist spots of the Grand Canyon is the Grand Canyon Skywalk - a unique viewing platform with a transparent floor, hanging over the abyss. The platform has the shape of letters "U", the bridge width of about three meters. The floor and walls enclosing playgrounds are made of special laminated glass.

Grand Canyon - one of the most popular tourist attractions of the United States to see him in Arizona more than four million people come annually. For tourists in the area of ​​the Grand Canyon are numerous hotels, souvenir shops, observation platforms.

The tour by helicopter to the Grand Canyon - one of the most popular services that offer customers a secured hotel and casino located in neighboring Nevada, Las Vegas.

Among the tourists, extreme popular rafting in the Grand Canyon, that is, down the Colorado River on inflatable sudah.rand Canyon.

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