Saturday 30 September 2017

Thor`s Well, Oregon

A real large pantry of phenomenal natural phenomena is often called the northwestern United States, where the mountainous state of Oregon is located. Overgrown with dense forests, dotted with high mountains and washed by the Pacific waters, the American state is especially rich in wonderful natural phenomena in the East, where the cape of Perpetua is located.

At first glance, the usual cape: the rocky coast, woodlands and other colorful landscapes, but it only seems so. In fact - this is a fantastic place on the planet, a paradise for tourists, who once can not be forgotten. Travelers can enjoy the forest landscapes, admire the majestic view of the huge rocks frozen in eternal silence, enjoy the delightful ocean coast, at Cape Perpetua. Forty kilometer foot routes encircle the whole territory of the cape with many curious objects in the area. The coast of the Cape is abundantly dotted with starfish.

The picture looks more dramatic during the tide. Then the emotional intensity of the audience reaches its climax. For several seconds, after ingestion of the next water portion, a giant funnel starts to erupt from its dark five-meter jaw, a powerful fountain up to 6 meters in height, forming a spray around the sheaf. One might think that some underground monster was angry, because of the constantly flowing water on its head and with all its might it pushes out a gigantic giant. It does not take two seconds, as everything repeats: another crushing avalanche of water again rushes to the bottomless black faucet of the funnel, so that the next moment it can burst with a powerful fountain, scattering around with millions of sprays.

In the gentle rays of the setting luminary, when twilight falls on the rocky blocks of stones, the gates to the underworld become even more beautiful, exciting the imagination with an unnaturally intimidating natural beauty.

This place is a very popular place for photographers. Professionals do not even stop wet slippery stones on the outskirts of the well. Near the bottomless pit, you can only get up in a short time, and if you're lucky, look into the depths of the abyss. This truly heroic act is only for people who have nerves of steel. The danger of being dragged into the abyss by the unbridled waves of the Pacific Ocean does not frighten adventurers seeking to capture the mysterious and dangerous sight of the dark abyss.

The natural feature of the Torah does not allow scientists to find out where the stormy streams of water disappearing in the bowels of the well go. Perhaps a little later, with the development of underwater technology, it will be possible to unravel this amazing mystery, the mysterious nature of planet Earth.


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