Wednesday 30 November 2016

Nevada Fly Geyser

In the northwest of the state of Nevada in the United States at the height of 1230 m above sea level in one of the ranch can be seen unprecedented phenomenon. Three jets of hot thermal water fountain beat straight out of a small cliff fancy colors. It Fly Geyser. Geiser got its name from the ranch, "Fly", in whose territory it is located.
Nevada geyser earned the rank of local attractions only after the publication of one of his photographs in a certain geographical magazine. Before that, even in Nevada, few people know of its existence, it is now a lot of photographers from around the world want to capture everything personally scenic splendor of this natural anomaly.

In 1916, the rancher on whose territory the artificial geyser, drilled the well to well, but accidentally struck geothermal channel, from which the water began to come to the surface. Thermal waters began to beat a fountain from geyser only in 1964, creating an unusual landscape thanks to the minerals that were dissolved therein.
The height of the geyser to date, about half a meter, but every day it continues to grow, thanks to the deposits that form on the surface. It is not known how large it can grow. Maybe in a hundred years, this geyser Fly become a huge mountain. Geyser constantly throws three water jets. Algae, bacteria and minerals often change color geyser.

The road to the geyser and is unequipped mess of mud. But to get close to the most geyser by car impossible after a short road in front of you on the way get a fence with gates that are locked at several castles. Desperate lovers of extreme sports and photographers seeking to get a good shot, climb over the fence. Given the fact that this is the United States, and private property is guarded very strictly, such an act can be severely punished.

The territory on which the Fly Geyser, private, and to visit this amazing place, wishing to communicate with the ranch owner, Todd Dzhesiksom that for a nominal fee to hold a tour and allows you to enjoy an extraordinary spectacle, going to a safe distance to the geyser along a narrow dirt road.

Geyser Fly is included in the list of the most beautiful places of our planet.

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