Monday 18 July 2016

Hang Son Doong

A couple of years ago no one even knew of the existence of the world's largest caves - more than 5.5 kilometers in length and nearly 500 feet high in some places. This tiny country of miracles can boast of new species of plants, algae fields, cave pearls and river - and it's all hidden human eye deep underground.

Now tourists have the opportunity to explore the cave, which is recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world, and see this wonder of nature with your own eyes.

The cave, which was called Son Doong Cave (Hang Son Doong in the Vietnamese language, which means "cave of a mountain river"), located in the province of Quang Binh in Vietnam. A local farmer found this pescheru in 1991, but he did not come down to it, due to the fact that the entrance, which he found was a sharp obryva down. Thus, the cave did not learn until 2009.

Summary of the cave collapsed in several places, that allows the sun light to get to the bottom of this miracle of nature. This cave sprouted whole areas of rainforest, which are hidden from the eyes of curious onlookers. In some places, the cave is so big that it could vmestit tsely gorodskoy quarter of all buildings.

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